Monday, August 26, 2013

"To Be In The Presence Of A Woman Of Integrity...."

It's been a while since we've posted due to our incredibly busy weekend but we haven't neglected the blog, website, FB page or any other media! So, here goes our second post of the week :)

 We want to give a more in-depth look at what this statement means to us.

Womanhood - a state of maturity where a female child develops the attitude, grace, poise of a mature responsible and respectable woman.

Integrity - the honesty, truthfulness and accuracy of ones actions. Also known as the opposite of hypocrisy, integrity is shown through a consciousness of values, methods, principles and expectations of actions.

It is often said that you cannot expect people who play secondlife to be on the pedestal that is real greekdom. And that is true. However people, in general, of upstanding moral values have integrity. Regardless of what virtual game they may play. Further, womanhood is a state that many women do not achieve until their youth has been wasted due to spitefulness.

So, we ask all women, regardless of your affiliation to reflect and be those upstanding women with integrity and sisterhood. We, as women in Secondlife must stop the "nice - nasty" attitude that demean us all. This attitude of secretly being nice and friendly or cordial but secretly; wishing the worst and  having the most disgusting attitude.

It's shocking to know that people will come to your events, stay in your groups, make posts privately about how amazing you are but secretly wish you nothing but disaster. That, is the most despicable truth of some of the women in Secondlife. Sisters in Greekdom and women of secondlife; to enhance the value of your game play and your experience, start loving one another instead of trying to tear each other down.

What will seeing a person or an organization fail do for you?

For those who have extended the hand of love and sisterhood, thank you for your generosity. It is the spirit and currents of that generosity that will continue to inspire women to join together in a bonding spirit that will never fade.

So, in essence, be genuine, be supportive, stand in your truth and love your fellow sister in Slife.


Iota Sigma Rho Leadership

Our Open "Thank You" Letter

Our Rush Weekend was  HUGE success and we couldn't be happier! We would like to take the time to thank the following people/organizations who showed us a tremendous amount of support;
- Alpha Kai Delta
-- Dayla, Deunan & all the AKD sisters!
- Pi Delta Pi
- Sigma Gamma Sigma
- Chi Gamma Psi
- Nu Gamma Rho
- High Society

- Dj Mista Nasty
- Dj Latin
- Yemis Magic
- Nia South
- Mercedes Swords
- Suga Dulce

Especially the following families;
- The Rhoyal-Amors
- The Dynasty
- The Mocha-Eternal
- The Mode Famila

We had an amazing turn out and welcomed 4 very upstanding women out of 19 to our first gems class! We are very excited for what the future holds and as a sisterhood, we are so very blessed to have one another.

We also welcome our final pearl Star B. Dalliest-Mode aka Soror Rhoyal Authenticity!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What is a GEM?

 A precious or stone, esp. when cut or polished or engraved.

Iota Sigma Rho Gem
/ee-o-ta/ /c-ig-m-ah/ /r-oh/ /jem/
 A woman of upstanding character who, maintains her business through professionalism, grace and integrity. One who strives for sisterhood by surrounding herself with women of like mind and purpose. Never shall she forget her promise to uphold her sister nor shall she forget her purpose of charity. All for one, one for or none, she shall never forget this so long as she shall live. If she is able to keep this as her motto then she can be a true Iota. 

Iota Sigma Rho Rush Application

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sisterhood Is More Than A 10-Lettered Word

This is going to be one of our shorter posts. Their isn't much to say really. However, we will do our best to keep it short, sweet, simple and direct when it comes to sisterhood.

Sisterhood means that you're more than where you came from and greater than you ever imagine to be. You bond, you cry, you live and true sisters die loving each other and all you've created. You can't mold someone into being a sister. You can only experience the true love of a compassionate person with loyalty that you can call your own. Sisterhood is not forced nor is it mocked. It is not mean, nor is it spiteful. True sisterhood is an ongoing journey with someone who is a mirror to you. You may look left, you may look right and features can change and grow old. But when you look directly into the eyes, in that mirror, you see the same love and dedication running through that person that you feel in yourself.

That's sisterhood. This winding and every challenging road that is long and full of perils but it's yours to take. It's one you've chosen and it's one that you will continue to fight for and be in no matter what may jump out of the trees. And when you've over packed your bag that you carry on your back during this journey, your sister will take that weight and carry it as her own. She will ease that burden just so you can walk a few miles without the pressure.

And when the time comes, a true sister will wish you goodbye if you have chosen to leave her. She will mourn for your loss as a true sister would. She won't rejoice in you taken your burdens with you because they were never solely yours. However, a true sister would understand that a sisterhood cannot be left behind or simply forgotten. Sisterhoods are forever.

- Iota Sigma Rho Secondlife Sorority

Exit Stage Left: Slife Leaving Greekdom

Welcome back everyone! As stated earlier in posts we try to cover all topics of Greekdom and sisterhood. Not just advertise for ISigRho, but give out good information pertaining to anyone interested in Greekdom. Here is a very interesting topic. One, I don't think you're going to find anywhere else. What happens after you leave an organization?

This post was brought on by our Thursday wrap session on our Facebook Page. During one of these chats, the topic of leaving a sorority came up. What happens? Why would anyone leave? How do you feel so much a part of something and then suddenly, you're dropped. Well, we're going to iron out some of the major details in this unbiased piece.

Pfft! I'm Outta Here!/ You've Been *snap snap* Cut OFF!

 ^ Sound familiar? This is what normally happens with you've been in an organization and have over stayed your welcome or they feel that you have. Here are some other major reasons.

  • Un-organization
    • When is your next event? Does it have a purpose? Who is in charge of outfits? Who is your PR manager? Who is your recruitment leader? What time is tier due? Who is managing the bank? Are the new staffs done? Where are we on our philanthropic goals? Did anyone update the calendar? Have we spoke to the potential pledges this week?
    • ....... If you have to ask all of these questions instead of knowing the answer... then you're completely unorganized are probably lacking communications. 
    • Let us demonstrate the answers for ISigRho
      • August 11- 12 --> ISigRho Open House
        • To attract potential Gems in a non-formal setting. 
      • Naomi Mocha-Eteranal - 2nd Vice-President
      • Naomi Mocha-Eteranal - 2nd Vice-President
      • The Leadership Of ISigRho w/ Emphasis on 1st & 2nd VP
      • (Classified but we know the date! ;) ) 
      • Leadership
      • Right on target with over 6 active Partners In Service! Next Step: Getting their page on our website (Wanna be a Partner In Service? Click Here!)
      • Constantly Updated. Last Update was made by Naomi in which it indicated her unavailability due to RL on Thursday, August 8. Previous update was for Saivee RL B-day Party August 9.
      • We speak to them every day.
  • Disloyalty 
    • Just like in any relationship, it takes work and progress. But often, organizations clique or they is an upside down power struggle between those who are the majority and those who are a minority. (Leaders vs. Non-Leaders, Goddesses vs. Big Sisters, Dames vs. Angels) etc.
    • Leaders are quick to cut someone off if they do not bend to their will or show up to events. 
  • Inequality
    • "We're not equal. You're a pearl. I'm a founder." <--- Case of inequality and completely inaccurate. Please refer to "Greek FAQ"
  •  Power Trips
    • "You got me up all night...." .... wondering if ya gon' kick me out.... "You got me up all night....".... constantly thinking about kicking y'all ass.... "You got me up all night.." (You know back when you sleepin on that newbie land..." Let me stop.

 Here is my Paddle, Here is my Staff, One is for fun, One's for kicking your ask.

  • When people fight over paraphernalia, you can tell the org is going down.... very quickly. Especially when you deny a potential member said items or even get new paraphernalia and refuse to share them with other members.
  • Its not all about flashing off your highly blinged out, ultra glow and extra LOUD paddle that has all the bells and whistles of something off of Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory (Original Version)

Gossip Folks-------------->

  • Oh, it's going to happen.
  • You're going to get mad on the inside or develop a healthy dose of humility. 
  • Don't lash out.
  • Keep a bright smile.
  • Turn Up! Every chance you get.
  • Share your experience.  
The experience of leaving an organization you MAY have worked hard in, cause face it some people don't, can be a really eye-opening and traumatic experience. This is only intensified when people choose to gossip and be completely childish.

Unfortunately, Secondlife has built a repertoire of organizations that can only mock what real life has done and they ruin the reputation and ideas of Greekdom by the previous things. This is not to say that RL Greekdom doesn't have these issues, because they very much so do! And we will give you a guideline on how to solve it on our next post!

- Iota Sigma Rho Secondlife Sorority Leadership


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What To Expect When You're Expecting (TO "PLEDGE")!

------------------->>>> APPLICATION DEADLINE IN 1 WEEK! <<<<--------------------
 How nerve racking!

We get a lot of interesting topics on FB about what we expect of our "pledges". What we want them to do and how demanding we are. How the process takes up allllllll of your time and you never see your family again and life doesn't exist when you're "on line" and omg ... omg ... what to do!


We don't have "pledges". We have "rushees" or what we like to call "gems". These elite ladies will go through a process, one of which they know about from Rush Week to Gems Week to the end. Our Gems class will comprise of various tasks that test how you react in a group setting to challenges while you're HAVING FUN!

Here is what you can expect;

✓ We don't have a "pledges". 

✓ We don't make you look ridiculous. 

✓ We follow the true meaning of being their for you sister by ACTUALLY putting you in situations that will show your character within the confines of SL.

✓ We don't make you have a ridiculous notion that anyone is better than the rest simply because they can do something you can. IE; dj, build, take photos. You're ALL individually precious because our Gems are women of upstanding character. 

✓ We don't have a "Pledge Master", that anyone answers to. Are you slaves? (No offense to any slaves out there.) But to put it simply, we are not your mistress's(No offense to any mistress's out there). We are your guides to the world of Greekdom.

✓ We don't make you complete POINTLESS tasks. Hanging pretty pictures and dancing in a circle is cool and all.... BUT.... how does that tell us who YOU are. From that all I can tell is; your favorite color is red and you have some really provocative dances. *golf claps*

✓ Did you know that Pearl VictoriaRose bought so many castles from one of SL's OLDEST, builder of 9 years,  fantasy builders that she now gets all of his new releases free of charge? Did you even know she loved castles? Not to worry. When you go through our Gem Class, you will have the space and time in a relaxed setting to get to know each and every potential member on an individual bases. 

✓ Take your game face off and put your relaxed face on. This is not a battle to see if you can complete our tasks but a journey to walk side by side with your own personal "Big". You and that member will have chances to talk and she can assist you with anything you need.

*****************************   RL NPC GREEK FACT  *****************************

***This Greek Fact Moment has been brought to you by Iota Sigma Rho Secondlife Sorority Leadership. *****

✓ Ready to choose? RUSH Week is a week dedicated to showing our best face to potential members so that YOU can choose us. Confused? Please refer to  "'Ahhhhh', says the intelligent woman, 'I think I want to pledge?! What do I do!?'", post. 

Overall, this is what you can expect, 

✓ Fun

✓ Challenges

✓ Sisterly Bonding

✓ Personal Team Building 

✓ Good Conversation


✓ Sisterhood

We are not a organization of builders or djs or photographers. We're simply women who want to bond with other women who have a love of sisterhood! 

We hope these posts have been helpful!

- Iota Sigma Rho Sorority Leadership

Friday, August 2, 2013

"Ahhhh", says the intelligent woman, "I think I wanna rush! What do I do?!"

Congratulations! You have made a very wise choice! You said "I think", instead of "I am!". It's moments like this that make or break whether a person is up for sorority life! We've all been there. We see the decorative jackets, the hand signals, the calls and, of course, the strolling! But there is more to sorority life then that. A LOT more. Joining a sorority should be a life long commitment chosen with great care. For each woman, a different journey unfolds as she takes her first steps into Greekdom.

Ready to see if you've got all your checks on the check list?! Let's see!

☐ Attended a "Go Greek" Night or "All Sorority" Day?
    These are events coordinated by partner sororities that allow different bidding ladies the opportunity to get to know them better. Each lady walks around to the different booths/areas/houses and gets to know a little about that particular sorority before moving on to the next one. Games are usually played or raffles drawn! It's a great event to socialize and to see if you hit it off with a certain org!

(so lets say you missed this chance or their are no "Go Greek" Night or "All Sorority" Day. (P.S, Iota Sigma Rho Sorority is one of the first to have arranged "Go Greek" Events!))

☐ Research, Research, Research!!
    Don't just go on their website or go on their Facebook page. Go to their Open House event or Charity event. Seeing is believing and if you can see how they interact with each other, other orgs or by their activities, then you may have saved yourself! Remember that web pages are set up to entice! It's going to show allll the good stuff you want to hear. Wanna find out how things REALLY work? Befriend a member and ask for the truth!

☐ View EVERY organization.
    This is vital! Just because your mom, cousin, baby daddy's niece, babysitters aunt was in Nappa Kappa Psi doesn't mean YOU must be. You may be shocked to find that most legacies that follow that path may have a sense of pride but an even deeper sense of regret. Sororities change throughout time and just because it was fitting for one does not mean it's fitting for all. Nepotism in sororities, especially in smaller chapters can be a great pain and cause deep rooted "cliques" which often force members to switch chapters or become inactive all together!

☐ Time to Socialize!
    OK, so you've decided on event parties too much and the other doesn't party enough? No? Ok, then it's time you look at their itinerary. If you're the life of the party and you LOVE to go shake it on somebodies floor, then look for the organization that suits you. If you're more service oriented and you like long hours of community service and development, then find that sorority that caters to that need. Either way, at this point, you gotta be going out! Find out what they are doing. If you see something you don't like... go to it! Make SURE it's not for you. Nothing is wrong with swinging by!

☐ Uh Oh! You've been spotted!
    While you've been watching them, they've been watching you too! You didn't think they wouldn't right?! This is what we call being "approached". An organization contacts you and wants various information about who you are, what you like to do etc. So the question is.... "what do you do?!"
          1. Don't freak out! They can smell nervousness on you!
          2. Be YOURSELF! Relax, breathe, take a deep breath and let it all out!
          3. Don't waste time. You've researched, you've looked at every one, you've gone to all their informational meetings, you've socialized. If this is the organization that does that thing that you don't' like, then don't' hesitate to be polite and express disinterest in that thing.
          4. Give them a chance to rebuttal. This gives you a chance to see if this comes up often or if this completely took them by surprised.
          5. Don't be afraid to be as critical as they are. Remember, it's not them choosing you. It's you choosing them, as well.
          6a. If they offer you a bid (which in most cases this is the most common), then you have a chance to politely deny the bid. Maybe this org isn't the one you wanted exactly.
          6b. If they offer you a bid and this is the sorority you were thinking of joining, CONGRATS! Take the time to ponder on this decision or another org that you may potentially like unless you are absolutely sure and feel comfortable! You are well on your way to being a well-informed lettered lady!
          6c. If they DO NOT offer you a bid and instead express that they don't feel like their organization is the right one for you, then take it as a experience. Cattiness can come out at a moments notice. Don't be afraid to share this experience with others who are thinking of rushing as well. Their is a great wealth of knowledge to be shared and experience is the best teacher.

     So you've researched, you've talked to members, you've looked at all organizations, you've socialized and you may or may not have received a bid yet! The next step is to decide! Not on what organization but on if this is the life for you! If the answer is yes, go ahead and apply to the top sorority FOR YOUR on your list! If you've followed the steps above, you may have already impressed them with your depth of knowledge, your fancy feet, your casual relaxed swagger or your chic looks!
     If the answer is no, then congratulations! You just took a step that many women who come this far won't dare do. You have a great sense of self. And you just spared yourself a life-long commitment that you are not ready for.

In conclusion, is this all you need to know to rush? NO! Their are several things that can be shared! But, it's better for you experience it for yourself. We hope that the knowledge gained from this blog post is helpful for those interested in Greekdom. Period. Not as a promotional tools used for ISigRho! Got any questions? Wanna add on?! Contact us! Have fun and happy journey!

- Iota Sigma Rho Leadership