Sunday, November 24, 2013


THE NUMBERS ARE IN!! We would like to thank all 4 organizations for putting forth the effort and donating 160 cans to 8 local banks/salvation armies! Secondlife Organization, Real Life Impact! We feel so blessed to have donated meals to families this holiday season. So many families go without a warm meal or anything to put on their table. With over 160 cans donated, more than a few families will be able to have the gift of togetherness and have rejoice in the power of awareness and giving. From our hearts to yours, Iota Sigma Rho Secondlife Sorority Partners in Service
Omega Psi Sigma - SL Fraternity - 85 cans - 3 Members
Nu Gamma Rho Sorority - 45 cans - 2 Members
Iota Sigma Rho Secondlife Sorority - 21 cans - 3 Members
High Society - 9 cans - 1 Member