Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Greek Life RL vs SL

       I have always thought of pledging a real sorority, but never had the opportunity to do it. So I have tried a couple of "sisterhoods" on the grid to get my feel of Greek Life. I must say not having any Greek background in real and then joining an SL sorority is a huge wakeup call. Prior to pledging I  had no idea that so many Greek organizations on SL actually come together and live "Greek" do things together and support one another. WHICH I FIND OUTSTANDING!!!!. I love the way that sisterhoods, and brother hoods put for the effort accomplish things together for better attendance and a more profitable outcome. There is sometimes pettiness and things that probably dont mirror rl Greek life at all. But over all these organizations on the SL grid gives us all something to do, events to attend, and a sense of sister/brotherhood, responsibility and accomplishment. I look forward to continuing my future devours withing Iota Sigma Rho and learning more, expanding my knowledge of Greek living to the fullest. 

I sometimes wonder how things would be in a rl sorority and if women put forth that extra to make sure they arent bickering w/ each other. Do try their hardest to respect each other and represent the soro in the highest regards. Or do they also deal with various attitudes and personalties that clash with the sorority rules and principals and then have uncomfortable situations and sisters dropping or getting kicked out.... How many people really get kicked out of rl sororites/fraternities? I question if there are so many up and downs, new sorors coming and going, openings and closings of orgs, and drama in SL sorors and frats because it is virtual and because alot of the people that join are like me and lack knowledge of rl Greek Life? 

Regardless of the positives and negatives of SL life the organizations that are formed, Greek and non-Greek, are made to grow people together and individually. As well as being use for philanthropies and charitable donations. The help to mature and grow up some people and to insure others, that you will always have those people you have bonded with to fall back on if and when needed. They give some a sense of family with the relationships that are developed. I can truly say I hope this is something that goes on forever and stay as positive as possible. 

-Soror Royal Authenticity- Iota Sigma Rho Pear/VP

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